Every month has its own color that influences people born in that period

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Aside from an astrological star sign and a precious gem stone, there is also a color attached to each birth month, according to Pantone.

The star sign and the color are intrinsically linked, according to the company, who have shared how they have determined the perfect color for everyone, based soley on the unit of time within which they were born.

Based on the personality traits of the star signs, Pantone has chosen a color that conveys the same traits to match, giving each month it's own unique characterists in fun and pretty colors.


According to Pantone, caramel is the perfect color for those born in the first month of the year. It is linked to practicality, determination, and builders, with January babies described as "logical and sure-footed."

Pantone feels the "earthy tone" helps to make people be stable and responsible, and encourages discipline and persistance in reaching goals.

Source: Wikimedia Commons


Sheer lilac is the color of Valentine's month, with the inspiration and imagination it invokes in people. Humanity and kindness is a strong trait among people born in February, with an ability to experience those in their lives as family.

The color can help those who are "emotionally entangled," as it can help one to understand detachment.


The third month has been assigned fair aqua, speaking to the dreamy and illusive nature of those born in the third month of the year. The color helps one travel "between the conscious and the subconscious worlds."

Fair aqua invokes feelings of trust and clarity.


Cayenne, a fiery and energentic color, has been denoted as the shade for April. People born in this month are passionate, strong, and courageous. With the arrival of spring comes the promise of new growth and life.


The color of healing and rejuvenation, bud green, is for those born in the fifth month. Described as "vital and assuring," bud green is a color that symbolizes stability.

Through the season of spring, green is prevalent as it pops up while the cold and wet of winter fades away.

Source: Wikimedia Commons


Aspen gold, a radiant and energizing color, depicts people born in June. People born in the sixth month are uplifting and cheerful, bringing sunshine into the lives of those around them.

Shades of yellow are also thought to stimulate brain activity, which helps to increase intelligence.


Soothing and nurturing, those born in the seventh month have been assigned the color of coral blush. The pale pink shade helps to encourage love and receptivity.

The color is best used in times of change and transition, with particular focus on the aid it offers for emotional healing.


The powerful shade of sun orange best describes those born in August. This color resonates with power and greatness, and is useful when protecting oneself.

It can also assist with aligning oneself with riches, monetary support, and passion in life.

Source: Wikimedia Commons


Baja blue, a discerning and artistic color, is applicable to September babies. The color is "divine and alluring," and associated with beauty, purity, and wisdom. At this time of the year, the human appreciation of beauty is heightened.

The shade can also serve to ease any tensions, as it promotes tranquility.


Poised and peaceful, the color of October is cerulean. The "calm and soothing" shade symbolizes love, beauty, and balance. Serenity and peace accompany this color, while also inspiring strength and decisiveness.


Claret red, an intense and passionate color, governs those born in November. The shade encourages depth, strength, and love. These people can transcend the mundane and see straight into the hearts of those around them.

It also helps to maintain inspiration while working towards goals.


Christmas babies are assigned the wise and truthful color of pagoda blue. With it's "deep and meditative" qualities, it helps to inspire optimism. The color is great to use during travels, and when speaking to people with "alternative views."
