S10.E19: Family Secrets - Blue Bloods

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

First, last, and only time I will ever post for this show.

It's been a long time coming - because I just didn't want to believe such things are still enjoying such immense popularity.

It has proven to be an ultra-right-wing-female-hating-platform instead of the pure and simple crime drama I had hope it would be.

I loved NYPD Blue (the struggles, triumphs and losses of Andy Sipowicz were beautifully done), I loved Hill Street Blues (just goes to show how old I am) but I can not and will not any longer tolerate the misogynistic,/patriarchal and racist-but-lets-pretend-we-are-not-racist basis of Blue Bloods.

I hate Henry most of all -not because I can see where he is the product of his/my generation where women were objects, expected to be subservient even when they dared to show their brains and self-sufficiency, but rather because he is portrayed as a former PC who fully engaged in such hatefull behaviors and tactics without ANY remorse whatever.

I hate Danny the Neanderthal who lives to bully his wife/sister/niece/NYPD partner at every available opportunity and is both supported and justified by the scriptwriters and his on screen family.

I hate Frank for having NEVER learned that women are equal human creatures, nor having the balls to say so if he (by some miracle)actually did.

I hate that part of Erin who continually excuses/validates/tolerates every humiliation/imposition she suffers from the ever-so-perfect&imposing/harrssing-Danny/Jamie/Henry. She is clearly self-sufficient and needn't tolerate it, but written so spinelessly that she does.

I fear for what will happen to Nicki under the influence of such a 'clan' of 'loving' uncles/grandpa/greatgrandpa. I think she doesn't stand a chance.

I haven't a care to spare for Danny's sons, as they have 3 generations of father-figures just waiting to validate every testosterone driven moment they have.

Too bad - this could have been as great a show as the others, but will just go on the junk heap with all the other commercial drivel.

And, yes, I do know that BB and its ilk really are the current mind set vis a vis the attitudes toward men and women - more's the pity.


Edited May 26, 2020 by becauseIsaidso
Oops, knew I forgot something
