Alexa Bliss On Keeping Quiet About Her Past Battle with Anorexia, Why She Takes Pride in Being the P

May 2024 · 2 minute read

WWE Raw star Alexa Bliss recently spoke with Josh Barnett of USA Today’s “For the Win” section, and below are some interview highlights.

On taking pride in what separates her look from other female wrestlers:

“I’m all about being the person that’s not like everybody else. I’ve got three different colors in my hair as we speak. I’m 5 foot. I’m not this little model type and I like that. I wear dramatic makeup. I wear stuff that people don’t normally see every day.

If anything about that identifies with someone, I want them to identify with me and know they can accomplish anything that I’ve accomplished. … I want them to relate to me in a way like, ‘She’s my height, too, and she’s shown that you can’t be limited by boundaries, you can exceed expectations and do whatever you want to do.”

On being quiet about her past battle with anorexia:

“(The eating disorder) is one of those things that I never talked about because I didn’t want people shaming me or people feeling sorry for me. I didn’t want either of those,” she said. “I feel like when I was going through that, I didn’t have anybody to look up to and be able to see they went through it and they are OK. A lot of people that I know who are dealing with eating disorders are still dealing with them today because you never get over them. It’s always a bit in the back of my mind.

You have to know your life means more than that,” she said. “You can accomplish anything no matter what demons are put in front of you. You can push through anything.”
