Charles Martinet Net Worth How Much is Martinet Worth?

May 2024 · 17 minute read

charles martinet net worth

Charles Martinet, an American voice actor known for his iconic portrayal of Mario and other characters in Nintendo games, has an estimated net worth of $10 million. Born on September 17, 1955, in San Jose, California, Martinet has had a successful career in the entertainment industry, particularly in the gaming world. Let’s delve into his journey and explore the financial achievements that have contributed to his impressive net worth.

Key Takeaways:

Early Life and Career Beginnings

Charles Martinet, born on September 17, 1955, in San Jose, California, had a passion for acting and voice acting from a young age. He embarked on his career in the entertainment industry, initially focusing on stage and screen acting. However, Martinet’s breakthrough came in 1990 when he landed a pivotal role at a Nintendo trade show.

During the trade show, Martinet auditioned for the role of Mario, a character that would soon become iconic in the gaming world. His distinct warm and friendly voice immediately captured the attention of the audience and secured his place as the voice of Mario. This marked the beginning of a remarkable career in the gaming industry for Martinet.

With his portrayal of Mario, Martinet quickly gained recognition and became an integral part of Nintendo’s success. His talent and dedication helped shape the character, bringing to life the beloved plumber with unmatched enthusiasm and charm. Martinet’s infectious energy and distinct voice soon made Mario one of the most recognizable and beloved characters in the gaming world.

Portraying Mario and Other Characters

Charles Martinet’s talent as a voice actor extends beyond his iconic portrayal of Mario. Over the years, he has lent his voice to a variety of beloved characters in Nintendo games, showcasing his versatility and ability to bring these virtual personalities to life.

In addition to Mario, Martinet has also provided the voices for Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Toadsworth, and various iterations of Mario in different games. Each character has its own unique traits and quirks, allowing Martinet to exhibit his range as a voice actor.

His ability to imbue these characters with distinct personalities and emotions has endeared him to fans worldwide. Whether it’s Luigi’s timid yet courageous nature or Wario’s mischievous charm, Martinet’s performances have become an integral part of the Super Mario franchise and have contributed to its enduring popularity.

Through his incredible voice acting skills, Charles Martinet has brought joy and entertainment to millions of gamers around the world. His portrayals of Mario and the other characters have become iconic, leaving a lasting impact on the gaming industry and forever capturing the hearts of fans.

Recognitions and Achievements

Charles Martinet’s incredible talent and contributions to the gaming industry have been widely recognized and celebrated with numerous awards and achievements. His exceptional voice acting work, particularly his iconic portrayal of Mario and other characters in Nintendo games, has earned him a special place in the hearts of fans and industry professionals alike.

One of Martinet’s notable recognitions includes receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2019 Gamers’ Choice Awards. This prestigious honor acknowledges his outstanding contributions to the gaming community and his iconic portrayal of Mario, which has become synonymous with the Super Mario franchise.

In addition to the Lifetime Achievement Award, Martinet has also received several other accolades throughout his career. He has been honored with Best Voice Acting awards for his performances in various Nintendo games at events such as the Game Awards and the NAVGTR Awards (National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers).

“Playing Mario has been the most joyous and fulfilling experience for me. To be recognized and appreciated for bringing joy to people’s lives through my voice is truly humbling and rewarding. I am grateful for the love and support from fans all around the world,” said Martinet in his acceptance speech at the Gamers’ Choice Awards.

Charles Martinet’s recognitions and achievements testify to his exceptional talent, dedication, and contribution to the gaming industry. His portrayal of Mario and other beloved characters has left an indelible mark, not only on the Super Mario franchise but also on the wider landscape of video game voice acting.

2019Lifetime Achievement Award (Gamers’ Choice Awards)
2018Best Voice Acting – Male (The Game Awards)
2017Best Voice Acting – Male (NAVGTR Awards)
2015Best Voice Acting – Male (NAVGTR Awards)

The Impact of Martinet’s Work

Charles Martinet’s work as the voice of Mario and other characters in Nintendo games has had a significant impact on the gaming industry and popular culture. His unparalleled talent for breathing life into these virtual personas has transformed the way players connect with video game worlds and characters.

Martinet’s portrayal of Mario, with his iconic warm and friendly voice, has become synonymous with the Super Mario franchise. His infectious enthusiasm and lovable characterizations have captivated fans of all ages, contributing to the immense success and enduring popularity of the games.

Beyond the gaming industry, Martinet’s impact has reached the realms of pop culture. Mario and his fellow Nintendo characters have become cultural icons, recognized and loved by millions worldwide. Martinet’s masterful voice acting has played a pivotal role in shaping the collective imagination and creating a sense of nostalgia that transcends generations.

Impact of Martinet's Work

The Influence on Gaming Industry

Martinet’s work has had a profound influence on the gaming industry as a whole. His ability to bring characters to life through voice acting has set the standard for immersive storytelling and character development in video games. His contributions have elevated the importance of voice acting and audio design in game development, highlighting the impact that a well-crafted performance can have on player engagement and emotional connection.

Furthermore, Martinet’s dedication to his craft has inspired aspiring voice actors and game developers alike. His success story serves as a testament to the power of passion, hard work, and perseverance. Many individuals in the industry look up to Martinet as a role model and a source of motivation to pursue their own dreams and make a lasting impact in the gaming world.

Impact on the Gaming IndustryImpact on Pop Culture
Elevated the importance of voice acting and audio design in game developmentTransformed Mario and other Nintendo characters into cultural icons
Inspired aspiring voice actors and game developersCreated a sense of nostalgia that transcends generations
Set the standard for immersive storytelling and character development in video games

“Charles Martinet’s portrayal of Mario has become an integral part of gaming history. His voice acting skills have not only brought joy to millions of players but also elevated the art of voice acting in the gaming industry.” – Gaming Magazine

Retirement and Legacy

In 2022, Charles Martinet announced his retirement as the voice of Mario after more than three decades of portraying the character. However, his legacy continues as he takes on a new role as the “Mario Ambassador” for Nintendo. In this position, Martinet will travel the world, promoting the game and interacting with fans. His retirement sparked nostalgia and admiration from fans and marked the end of an era in the gaming industry.

Martinet’s retirement from the role of Mario leaves behind a lasting legacy that will be hard to match. His warm and friendly voice, along with his distinctive portrayal, has endeared him to millions of gamers worldwide. Martinet’s contributions to the Super Mario franchise and the gaming industry as a whole cannot be overstated. He has not only brought joy to players with his performances but has also shaped the way we perceive these iconic characters.

As the original voice of Mario, Martinet’s retirement signifies the passing of the torch to a new generation. While fans may feel a sense of nostalgia for Martinet’s portrayal, they can also look forward to the future of the Super Mario franchise under the stewardship of the next voice actor. Martinet’s retirement serves as a testament to his dedication and the impact he has had on the gaming industry, solidifying his place as a legendary figure in gaming history.

In the role of the Nintendo Ambassador, Martinet will continue to be an ambassador for the Mario franchise, representing the beloved character and the Nintendo brand. His interactions with fans and promotional activities will ensure that Mario remains a cherished part of gaming culture for years to come. Martinet’s retirement from the voice acting role may mark the end of an era, but his legacy and contributions will continue to be celebrated and remembered.

Charles Martinet’s Net Worth

Charles Martinet, the legendary voice actor known for his iconic portrayal of Mario and other characters in Nintendo games, has achieved significant financial success throughout his career. As of 2022, Martinet’s estimated net worth stands at an impressive $10 million, a testament to his talent, dedication, and the enduring popularity of the Super Mario franchise.

Martinet’s financial achievements can be attributed to his long-standing collaboration with Nintendo, where he has provided the voices for Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Toadsworth, and various iterations of the beloved plumber. His versatile performances and ability to bring these characters to life have made him an integral part of the gaming world, solidifying his place as one of the wealthiest voice actors in the industry.

While specific details about Martinet’s financial ventures and investments are not publicly available, it is not uncommon for successful individuals in the entertainment industry to diversify their income through various business ventures and endorsements. These additional endeavors may have further contributed to his impressive net worth.

Charles Martinet’s Net Worth at a Glance:

YearNet Worth
2022$10 million

Martinet’s financial success is a testament to his hard work and the impact of his contributions to the gaming industry. His portrayals of Mario and other recognizable characters have not only entertained millions of fans worldwide but have also become an integral part of pop culture. As he continues to explore new opportunities as the Nintendo Ambassador, Martinet’s net worth serves as a reflection of his talent, dedication, and enduring legacy in the gaming world.

Personal Life and Background

Charles Martinet, the iconic voice actor known for bringing Mario and other beloved Nintendo characters to life, has a fascinating personal background that has contributed to his success in the entertainment industry. Born and raised in San Jose, California, Martinet comes from a French background and is fluent in French. His early years were filled with a passion for acting and voice acting, which eventually led him to pursue a career in the gaming world.

Throughout his journey, Martinet’s warm and friendly persona has resonated with fans around the world. His ability to connect with audiences through his portrayals of characters like Mario and Luigi has solidified his place as a prominent figure in the gaming industry. Martinet’s dedication to his craft and his genuine love for interacting with fans have made him a beloved member of the gaming community.

“I just love making people happy and seeing the joy that Mario brings to people’s faces,” Martinet once shared.

As Martinet’s career continues to evolve, his personal background and early passion for acting remain at the core of his success. His contributions to the industry have left a lasting legacy, and his enduring impact on the gaming world will forever be celebrated.

Charles Martinet

The Voices Behind the Characters

In addition to his iconic portrayal of Mario, Charles Martinet has lent his voice to various other Nintendo characters. Here is a list of some of the characters Martinet has brought to life:

These characters have become integral parts of the Super Mario franchise, and Martinet’s talent for giving each character a distinct personality has endeared him to fans worldwide.

Achieving Success Through Passion

Charles Martinet’s personal life and background have played a significant role in shaping his successful career. His dedication to his craft, combined with his infectious enthusiasm and warm personality, has made him not only a talented voice actor but also a cherished figure within the gaming community. Martinet’s passion for his work continues to light the way for aspiring voice actors and serves as a reminder that success can be achieved through a genuine love for what you do.

Investment and Business Ventures

Outside of his successful voice acting career, Charles Martinet has also ventured into various investments and business endeavors, diversifying his income and expanding his financial portfolio. While specific details about his investments are not publicly available, it is common for individuals in the entertainment industry to explore different avenues for generating revenue.

Martinet’s business ventures may include endorsements, brand partnerships, and entrepreneurial projects in the gaming and entertainment sectors. As a prominent figure in the gaming world, Martinet’s connections and industry experience likely provide him with opportunities to invest in emerging technologies, gaming startups, or even his own ventures.

By leveraging his fame and expertise, Martinet can make strategic investments that not only generate financial returns but also align with his personal interests and passions. Through these investment and business ventures, Martinet has further secured his financial stability and ensured a prosperous future beyond his voice acting career.

Future Aspirations

Despite his retirement from the role of Mario, Charles Martinet’s passion for the entertainment industry remains unwavering. He continues to be deeply involved in the gaming community, attending conventions and interacting with fans as the Nintendo Ambassador. Martinet’s love for the industry suggests that he may explore new opportunities in voice acting or pursue other creative endeavors in the future.

As an iconic figure in the gaming world, Martinet’s expertise and experience make him a valuable asset to the industry. His long-standing relationship with Nintendo and his immense talent have garnered him immense respect and admiration from fans and industry professionals alike. Martinet’s future aspirations may include lending his voice to new characters or even expanding his presence into other areas of the entertainment industry.

Furthermore, Martinet’s dedication to the gaming industry goes beyond his work as a voice actor. He is known to be an active supporter of gaming charities and organizations, advocating for the positive impact of video games on individuals and society as a whole. His passion for the industry extends beyond his personal achievements and highlights his commitment to making a difference through his work.

Given Martinet’s vast expertise and continued involvement in the gaming community, it is clear that his future holds exciting possibilities. Whether he takes on new voice acting roles, ventures into other creative endeavors, or continues to champion the gaming industry, one thing is certain – Charles Martinet’s passion for the industry will continue to shine brightly.

Future Aspirations

Chris Pratt and the Future of Mario’s Voice

Following Charles Martinet’s retirement, the announcement that Chris Pratt will be the voice of Mario in the upcoming animated “Super Mario Bros.” film has made waves in the gaming community. Pratt, known for his roles in films like “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Jurassic World,” brings a fresh perspective to the beloved character. While fans are excited to see Pratt’s portrayal of Mario on the big screen, there remains uncertainty about whether he will take on the role in future games.

Transitioning to a new voice actor for such an iconic character is bound to spark curiosity and discussion among fans. Martinet’s portrayal of Mario has become synonymous with the franchise, and his warm and friendly voice has endeared him to players worldwide. However, change is inevitable, and Pratt’s casting presents an opportunity to reimagine and evolve the character while staying true to the essence of Mario.

It is important to remember that voice actors play a crucial role in shaping the identity and personality of video game characters. While fans may initially have reservations about a new voice actor, it is essential to give Pratt a chance to put his stamp on the character and showcase his talent. Only time will tell how fans will respond and whether Pratt’s portrayal of Mario will be embraced by the gaming community.

Opportunity for a fresh and unique interpretation of Mario’s characterPotential resistance from fans who have grown accustomed to Martinet’s portrayal
Brings star power and broader mainstream appeal to the franchiseRisk of alienating long-time fans if the new portrayal deviates too far from the established identity of Mario
Provides an opportunity to revitalize the Super Mario franchise and attract new audiencesExpectations and comparisons to Martinet’s iconic voice may be difficult to overcome

“Change is inevitable, and Pratt’s casting presents an opportunity to reimagine and evolve the character while staying true to the essence of Mario.”

What the Future Holds

With Pratt taking on the role of Mario in the upcoming film, it remains to be seen how this will influence the casting decisions for future games. The Super Mario franchise has a rich history and a dedicated fan base that holds Martinet’s portrayal of Mario in high regard. However, as the franchise continues to evolve, it is natural for changes to occur.

The success of the “Super Mario Bros.” film, along with fan reception to Pratt’s portrayal, will likely play a significant role in determining the future of Mario’s voice. Ultimately, it will be up to Nintendo, the game developers, and the fans to decide the direction they want the character to take.

As fans eagerly await the release of the film and future game announcements, the transition to a new voice actor opens up a world of possibilities for the Super Mario franchise. Whether Pratt’s portrayal will become as iconic as Martinet’s remains to be seen, but it is an exciting chapter for Mario and his fans.

Chris Pratt as Mario


Charles Martinet’s journey as the voice of Mario and other iconic characters has had a lasting impact on the gaming industry and popular culture. With an estimated net worth of $10 million, Martinet’s financial achievements reflect his talent and dedication to his craft. Throughout his career, he has received numerous recognitions and awards for his outstanding voice acting work, solidifying his place as one of the most beloved and iconic voice actors in the industry.

As Martinet retires from his role as the voice of Mario and takes on the position of the Nintendo Ambassador, his legacy will continue to be celebrated. His warm and friendly portrayals of these beloved characters have left an indelible mark on fans worldwide. Martinet’s contribution to the gaming industry’s history and his dedication to his fans make him a true legend in the field of voice acting.

As the Super Mario franchise moves forward with Chris Pratt as the new voice of Mario, fans will forever hold a special place in their hearts for Charles Martinet’s portrayal of the character. His legacy as the original voice actor for Mario will be cherished for years to come, and his impact on the industry will continue to be felt. Charles Martinet’s journey as the voice of Mario is not only a testament to his talent but also a celebration of the unforgettable characters he brought to life.


What is Charles Martinet’s net worth?

Charles Martinet has an estimated net worth of $10 million.

What are some of the characters Charles Martinet has portrayed?

Charles Martinet is known for his portrayal of Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Toadsworth, and various iterations of Mario in different Nintendo games.

What awards has Charles Martinet received for his voice acting work?

Charles Martinet has received awards for his portrayal of Mario and other characters in Nintendo games.

What impact has Charles Martinet’s work had on the gaming industry and popular culture?

Charles Martinet’s portrayal of characters like Mario has become synonymous with the Super Mario franchise and has left a lasting impression on gaming history.

What is Charles Martinet’s new role after retiring as the voice of Mario?

Charles Martinet has taken on the role of “Mario Ambassador” for Nintendo, where he will promote the game and interact with fans worldwide.

How has Charles Martinet’s financial success contributed to his net worth?

Charles Martinet’s successful career as a voice actor, particularly as the voice of Mario and other characters in Nintendo games, has helped him amass a net worth estimated at $10 million.

What investments and business ventures has Charles Martinet pursued?

While specific details are not publicly available, it is common for successful individuals in the entertainment industry to diversify their income through various investments, endorsements, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

What are Charles Martinet’s future aspirations?

Charles Martinet’s dedication to the industry suggests that he may explore new opportunities in voice acting or other creative endeavors.

Who is the new voice actor for Mario?

Chris Pratt has been announced as the voice of Mario in the upcoming animated “Super Mario Bros.” film.

What is Charles Martinet’s legacy as the voice of Mario?

Charles Martinet’s portrayal of Mario has left an indelible mark on the gaming industry, making him a beloved figure among fans worldwide.
