Did Kate die on Days of our Lives?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Warning this article contains spoilers from the Friday, January 6 episode of Days of our Lives.

Days of our Lives fans can’t help but wonder if Kate (Lauren Koslow) dies on the hit Peacock episode after a shocking Friday cliffhanger.

The nasty virus Orpheus (George DelHoyo) infected Kate, Kayla (Mary Beth Evans), and Marlena (Deidre Hall) with last fall has returned with a vengeance.

This time around, the virus is spreading quicker, and the orchid Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) used to create the antidote has been stolen.

That’s bad news, especially for Kate, who flatlined at the end of Friday’s episode, leaving Rex (Kyle Lowder) fighting to save her to no avail.

As Roman (Josh Taylor) pleaded with his son to keep trying to revive Kate, Rex called her time of death.

So, is Kate really dead, or is there something else going on in Salem? Let’s take a look at what we know.

Did Kate really die on Days?

Although things don’t look good for Kate or her family right now, that doesn’t mean Kate really did die on Days. After all, very few people ever stay dead in Salem, just look at Stefan (Brandon Barash), who was shot, and his heart was donated to Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes).

The winter promo for the daytime drama teased that Marlena, Kate, and Kayla are all in dire straits, with one or more of them not making it. There was also a glimpse of the three ladies being in heaven, like Bo (Peter Reckell), during Beyond Salem Chapter 2.

Head writer Ron Carlivati recently teased the fate of the three fan-favorite characters in Soap Opera Digest as the new year kicked off.

“When we started the story and the women all survived, we knew we would have them relapse,” he expressed to the magazine. “So we kind of figured that the story of the women dying doesn’t have a huge payoff if one or more of them doesn’t actually die, so we gave ourselves a challenge.”

As for what that means, Days fans will just have to keep watching. If the writers are going to truly kill off one of the three women, it would certainly be Kate, as Kayla and Marlena have been playing more pivotal roles on the show in the past year.

Is Lauren Koslow leaving Days of our Lives?

There has been no indication that Lauren plans to leave the soap opera she has called home for over 25 years. Lauren took over the role from actress Deborah Adair who originated the role in 1993.

As big names like Peter and Kristian Alfonso (Hope) gear up to return this winter that could mean that Lauren will exit the show for a brief hiatus. Days often has actors and actresses leave the canvas for months due to storyline purposes and to move other storylines forward.

One thing is for sure. Kate certainly appears dead right now.

Days of our Lives spoilers tease Kate’s death isn’t the only one to shake up Salem either.

Do you think Kate’s really dead?

Days of our Lives airs weekdays on Peacock.
