Trump's niece tries to sabotage his Waco rally by flooding the 2024 campaign with bogus ticket reque

May 2024 · 2 minute read

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Mary L. Trump is working to deflate the turnout for her uncle's upcoming 2024 campaign rally in Waco, Texas by booking fake seat requests from expected no-shows. 

—Mary L Trump (@MaryLTrump) March 24, 2023

"Let's fill this venue with empty seats," the estranged niece of the embattled former president urged her followers online. 

The rally shrinking effort strikes at the heart of one of Donald Trump's weirdest obsessions: crowd size

In June 2020, anti-Trump TikTokers took credit for sticking him with rows of empty seats during what was supposed to be a comeback rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

The lackluster attendance so infuriated Donald Trump that he bashed then-campaign manager Brad Parscale for being so "stupid, stupid, stupid.

Mary Trump followers quickly responded, writing back on Twitter that they'd punked the twice-impeached former president by claiming seats for their pets, asked for seats under the guise of adult film star and alleged Donald Trump paramour Stormy Daniels, and prank names like Holden Magroyn

—Chris Andrew (@1chrisandrew1) March 24, 2023

Others advised her to let the younger generation ruin Donald Trump's weekend by spreading the request to TikTok. 

Several House Republicans from the Texas delegation are also expected to leave Donald Trump hanging this weekend, telling Insider that myriad scheduling conflicts make meeting up simply impossible.

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