Rhino should of stayed in the WWE

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read
I think ever since Rhino left the WWE in 2005, I thought the WWE lost a future Main Eventer. So I think WWE made a big mistake in getting rid of Rhino ever since he made his debut in 2001 when he was with Edge and Christian he was good, ever since he broke away from E&C, I thought he was great he the Hardcore Title, WCW US Title ( Invasion storyline) I thought his fued with Y2J was great. I thought Rhino was very entertaining in the ring and out of the ring as well, I just think the WWE didn't really use him properly in my opinion, yes he teamed up with Chris Benoit for a while, but if the WWE kept him for another 2 or 3 years and used him properly he would have been a WHC Champ or WWE Champ.

So do you think WWE should of kept Rhino
Did you see him as a future WHC or WWE Champ ???
